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Rapid Identification of Protein−Protein Interaction Modulators Using a Multifragment Kinetic Target- Guided Synthesis Approach

  • 1.  Rapid Identification of Protein−Protein Interaction Modulators Using a Multifragment Kinetic Target- Guided Synthesis Approach

    Posted 10-24-2023 03:41 AM
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    ABSTRACT: Kinetic target-guided synthesis (KTGS) is a powerful screening approach that enables identification of small molecule
    modulators for biomolecules. While many KTGS variants have emerged, a majority of the examples suffer from limited throughput
    and a poor signal/noise ratio, hampering reliable hit detection. Herein, we present our optimized multifragment KTGS screening
    strategy that tackles these limitations. This approach utilizes selected reaction monitoring liquid chromatography tandem mass
    spectrometry for hit detection, enabling the incubation of 190 fragment combinations per screening well. Consequentially, our
    fragment library was expanded from 81 possible combinations to 1710, representing the largest KTGS screening library assembled to
    date. The expanded library was screened against Mcl-1, leading to the discovery of 24 inhibitors. This work unveils the true potential
    of KTGS with respect to the rapid and reliable identification of hits, further highlighting its utility as a complement to the existing
    repertoire of screening methods used in drug discovery.

    Markus Queisser
    Scientific Director